Speech of the Minister of Education and Sport, Ogerta Manastirliu, at the signing of the agreement with BOKU University -

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Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.


Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.

Speech of the Minister of Education and Sport, Ogerta Manastirliu, at the signing of the agreement with BOKU University

This is an important moment for the internationalisation of our universities and a milestone in the transformation of the Agricultural University of Tirana. By 2030, the Agricultural University of Tirana aims to reach the standards of the BOKU University of Vienna. The Agricultural University of Tirana deserves to be the pioneer in opening this new chapter for all higher education institutions in Albania. For us, as the Minister of Education, this cooperation represents a new model of knowledge and technology transfer.
About a month ago, together with my colleague Denaj, Rector and Professor Hubert, and representatives of BOKU, we signed the agreement with the Ministers of Education and Agriculture to start the cooperation for the transformation of the Agricultural University of Tirana.

This cooperation represents a new model of knowledge and technology transfer. The agreement was signed three years ago in the presence of Prime Minister Rama at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna and with our government team, but above all with the will and clear vision of the Agricultural University of Tirana itself.

What is the formula that guarantees the success of this partnership? There are two components that we believe are key: the clear strategy of the Agricultural University of Tirana and the expertise that will come to us from BOKU. It will be a four-year journey, not a little challenging, and it will require all of your cooperation. I would like to invite all the academic staff who have embraced and supported this initiative. It is very important to have full confidence in what will happen at the Agricultural University of Tirana in this transformative reform process, so I would like to thank all those who have committed themselves to this partnership and especially Professor Hubert, who will be the liaison between the two universities for effective coordination during these four years.

We have decided to cooperate by committing human and financial resources. For the first time, the Albanian government, through the Ministry of Education and Sports, is making a direct financial contribution to this internationalization programme with about 2 million euros in this project, believing that it will be a process that will not only transform study programmes, but will also give an impetus to scientific research at the Agricultural University of Tirana. The Agricultural University in the 20-30 vision will prioritize six main pillars: new academic offer, internationalization, modernization of management and administration, digitalization of study programmes, scientific research, transfer of knowledge and technology.

Not only will the first cycle programmes be reorganised, but also the second cycle, masters and doctorate programmes, where a mobility programme for staff and students of more than 30% is planned. In addition, for all students in the process of doctoral studies, there will be one professor from BOKU and one from the Agricultural University of Tirana in the process of doctoral studies.

Scientific activities will also be at the heart of this cooperation, with the aim of making UBT a regional centre of excellence for scientific research by 2030.

I would like to mention that we are supporting scientific research, doubling the funding and infrastructure for scientific research and partnerships with prestigious universities. This programme aims to support the University of Agriculture in Tirana in these years of transformation, and on the other hand, the new Law on Science, which will soon be presented to the Parliament of Albania, will create a new space and dimension for the University’s cooperation with the Academies of Sciences, Ministries and the economy.

The Ministry of Education and Sports is focusing on the programme of internationalisation of higher education and the expansion of the academic offer of universities and the opening of branches of prestigious universities in our country. This is possible through not only partnerships and internationalization programmes, but through joint programmes and double degrees. We have reached a number of 30 joint programmes and double degrees with prestigious universities in Europe, of which seven are from the Agricultural University of Tirana. We also have other projects such as the opening of the campus of the European College of Europe in Tirana, the opening of the campus of the Distance Learning University of Spain in Gjirokastër and partnerships with the University of Technology of Compiègne in France and the Technical University of Istanbul.

All these projects are part of the European vision and dimension for higher education that is being realized and will be an example of our vision for education in the 20s and 30s.

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